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Raising Help: Bridging Causes and Community Through Strategic Communication

At Raising Help, we’re all about bridging the gap between causes and community through effective communication. We believe in championing a cause and ensuring that supporters understand the organization behind it.


Crafting meaningful conversations or conversions isn’t accidental; it’s a deliberate process. That’s where our expertise comes in. Powered by Mopdog, Raising Help specializes in creating smart, tailored messaging to prompt specific, practical responses from your audience.

Our services cover:

  • Email Strategy, Content Development, Launch, and Tracking
  • Social Media Planning, Blogging, and Network Messaging
  • Public Relations: News Release Writing, Distribution, and Positioning
  • Media Relations: Relationship Building and Engagement Tracking

We’re here to help you showcase the impact of your good work. Contact Raising Help for better communication that drives real change.

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A Guide to Email Marketing for Nonprofits

How email marketing can work for you?

Email marketing is a cost-effective way for nonprofits to connect with potential donors and engage with their audience. It helps build and maintain donor relationships by providing personalized updates on the organization’s mission and impact. By including links and calls-to-action in emails, NPOs can drive traffic to their website and social media profiles, encouraging support for their cause.

Best Practices:

Maintain a Consistent Sending Schedule:

  • Create a content schedule for emails to stay organized and engage with donors.
  • Send informative emails on a predictable schedule to nurture relationships.
  • Find the right balance of email frequency to avoid potential spam territory.

Watch Out for Spam Folders:

  • Avoid embedding forms or including attachments in emails. Instead, use links to web pages with forms for better deliverability.
  • Use a recognizable email address to send your messages. Avoid sending from a address, and use a name your readers will recognize.
  • Prioritize informative subject lines over direct calls for donations to improve the chances of your email reaching the intended recipient’s inbox.

Personalize Emails:

  • Focus on personalizing based on actions recipients have taken on your website.
  • Use first names and interesting taglines to make emails more engaging.
  • Personalized subject lines can generate six times higher transaction rates

Organize Email Lists:

  • Have organized lists separating different donors, board members or volunteers.
  • Ensures that the correct emails get to

Content Development:

Make Sure Your Subject Line is:

  • Relevant
  • Short
  • Urgent
  • Specific


  • Make sure to include the latest and greatest.


  • Show gratitude for your donors and volunteer through emails and newsletters to ensure they feel appreciative

Include a Call-to-Action:

  • Add a button that links to the action
  • Ex: Subscribe to the newsletter or donate now

If you are interested in more personalized assistance Contact Us>>